Munnar Map & Distance Charts
Map of Munnar Tourist attractions like Tata Tea Museum , Attukal Waterfalls, Hydel / Blossom Park, Top Station, Pothamedu ViewPoint, Kundala Lake, Mattupetty Dam ,Eravikulam National Park and other tourist places in Munnar.
Check out the Top 15 things to do in Munnar if you are planning for a sightseeing in Munnar along with a 2 nights munnar tour package.
[table caption=”Munnar Distance Charts” width=”500″ colwidth=”150|100|50″ colalign=”left|left|center”]
Munnar to Mysore,335 KM,7 hrs.
Munnar to Bangalore,471 KM,8 hrs.
Munnar to Chennai,573 KM,9 hrs.
Munnar to Coimbatore,156 KM,3 hrs.
Munnar to Mangalore,506 KM,11 hrs.
Munnar to Thiruvananthapuram,294 KM,6 hrs.
Munnar to Thrissur,154 KM,3 hrs.
Munnar to Madurai,151 KM,3 hrs.
Munnar to Alleppey,172 KM,3 hrs.
Munnar to Kochi,126 KM,3 hrs.
Munnar to Kozhikode,275 KM,6 hrs.
Map of Munnar
Here is Munnar Map with all tourist places in Munnar. If you would like to download a PDF reight click and save the image